Email Ping Pong

Test email deliverability using real email addresses

We test using the following email providers
Gmail logo Mailo logo Outlook logo

How it works


Enter your email

Enter the email address you want to test in the input box above. We'll send you an email at that address. It typically arrives within a few seconds.

We promise we won't do anything fishy with your email. The only reason we need it is to be able to perform a proper deliverability test by actually sending emails to you.


Reply to the email we send you

The email itself contains instructions on what to do next, but don't worry, it's really simple! Just reply to the email and we'll take care of the rest.

Our hard working bots will continously check for emails, and reply once they've received one.


Check the results

Follow the link in the email to go to the results page. Here you'll able to see if the bots received your email, and if it was classified as spam or not.

Give it a few minutes since email deliverability isn't always instant.

Other tools and tests

Email Ping Pong is used to test email deliverability using real email addresses. To make sure that things like SPF and DKIM are set up and properly configured please make use of the tools listed on the other tools page.